Program Goal
Provides the opportunity for people living with developmental disabilities to live with a roommate in their own home, or in an apartment of their choice.
Independent Supported Living (ISL)
ISL provides 24-hour staff support to people living with disabilities. Staff members assist program participants with all aspects of personal care, cooking, medication, arranging transportation, coordinating medical care, community outings and social activities. Clients live with 1 to 3 roommates.
Independent Supported Living Assistance (ISLA)
ISLA provides up to 10 hours per week of staff support to people with disabilities living in their own homes. Residents learn new skills in 10 primary areas: medical care, shopping, laundry, housework, safety, finance, transportation, jobs, socialization and cooking.
Program Offices:
Community Services North
4645 LaGuardia Drive
Berkeley MO 64134
For more information, contact:
Brandy Veal
Director of Residential Services
[email protected]
(314) 994-1600
Other Resources:

Program Highlights

100% of clients maintained their own finances
Independent Supported Living
Outcomes Achieved
of clients have no out-
of-home placements
of clients receive
routine medical care
develop healthy
relationships with family
members and caregivers